Spain – 100,000 stock images and the library is still growing!

Over the last 20 years, Michelle Chaplow has created a specialist collection of images on Spain. The library of stock photography began life in the age of ‘the slide’ as the Andalucia Slide Library and now the collection extends to the whole of mainland Spain, including the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands. Continuous travel around Spain brings a constant flow of new and vibrant photographic images to the collection. Our location in Spain gives us the advantage of an in-depth knowledge of the Iberian peninsula and we are often able to meet the more obscure stock photography requests through our network of individual specialist photographers.

Pure devotion © Michelle Chaplow Photography

Semana Santa Andalucia

Semana Santa brings Easter celebrations to every corner of Spain. Holy Week in Andalucia is especially spectacular, with processions taking place throughout the country, turning the region into a photographer’s paradise. The aroma of burning candles, incense and orange blossoms fill the air and many locals participate in the processions. These young women in black veils are following the procession of the Hermandad del Santisimo Cristo de los Remedios & Nuestra Senora de Las Angustias on Good Friday in the historic town of Ronda.