First Quarter 2008
March 08 Semana Santa, Andalucia
Michelle produced a photo documentary of the Semana processions in the historic town of Ronda on Holy Thursday and the morning of good Friday. In this picture an attractive, young lady is wearing a black “Mantón de Manila>” veil. Black signifies mourning and devotion to the Christ and the Virgin. The young woman is following the procession of the Hermandad del Santisimo Cristo de los Remedios & Nuestra Señora de Las Angustias through the old town of Ronda.
March 08 Luxury Hotel, Barcelona
Barcelona’s emblematic lap of luxury, the La Florida Hotel has commissioned Michelle Chaplow to produce top quality images of the conference facilities for the hotel itself. Michelle will also be documenting the hotel for the website.
A selection of images taken by Michelle of Hotel La Florida can be viewed online.
March 08 Andalucia, Spain. History Book
Internationally renowned travel photographer, Michelle Chaplow, continues to work on the History Book, an Andalucia-wide project that takes her to the main historical sites of the region, including the Roman Ruins of Ancinipo, Italica and the Moorish remains in Cordoba to mention just a few. The book will be published in the summer of 2008.
February O8 Sierra Subbetica, Cordoba
The breathtaking villages of the Sierra Subbetica have been the object of Michelle Chaplow’s lense of late as she captures their beauty for
February 08 Andalucia, Spain
Michelle has been commissioned by a London publisher to provide the cover and all interior photographic illustrations for a book, that will be published in June 2008, on the history of Andalucia.
January 08 Andalucia, Spain. Photographic workshop
Starting January 28, travel photographer Michelle Chaplow begins a five day tour into the very heart of the Andalucian countryside and culture – with hidden pueblos, stunning castle views and even a flamenco model. The January Workshop is limited to five students and is an excellent way to improve your photographic skills.
January 08 Andalucia, Spain. Food Photography
Michelle has been commissioned to carry out the photography for a new Tapas book, “The essence of Spain”, which will be launched in the Spring of 2008. The majority of the imagery will be shot in Michelle´s studio where she is working with her assistants Joaquin Alarcón Pérez and David Doyle, a specialist in food styling who has flown in from Ireland for the commission. The book covers delicious Tapas recipes such as the classic “Salmorejo” and the Spanish Tortilla, plus lots of new creative cuisine from different regions of Spain. The styling of the imagery is fresh, clean and bold.
January 08 Andalucia, Spain
I would like to share with you a selection of my favorite travel images of 2007. Clockwise: The Loy Kathrong, full moon festival in Thailand. Thai finger nail dancing. The Oriental Hotel Bangkok. The Spring fair in Seville, Spain. Ten years on in Hong Kong July 2007 Looking forward to a New Year of travel imagery in 2008, all the very best, Michelle.

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