June 2009
June 09 Meeting Sydney Australia
Michelle attended the 35th public meeting of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Asigned names and Numbers) in Sydney. An interesting organization that coordinates the domain name alocation on the internet. It has an unique working model as a multi stakeholder bottom up consensus non for profit organisation.
Whilst at the meeting Michelle was able to take portraits of Peter Dengate Thrush, Chairman of ICANN, Rod Beckstrom, the newly appointed CEO and President, and Steve Crocker one of the founding fathers of the internet. Any media or picture buyer wishing to publish images of the above please contact Michelle directly.
June 09 Sydney Australia
Michelle will fly on to Sydney, where she plans to carry out a stock photography assignment. This will be her first trip to Sydney in winter, so there will be a whole different climatic season to capture on camera.
June 09 Bangkok Thailand
Michelle is travelling to Thailand and staying at one of her favourite hotels in the World: The Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Bangkok. During her stay she will be doing the ground work for a photographic workshop that she will host in late 2009 or early 2010. The workshop will cover Bangkok and Chiang Mai. As an associate photographer of “Famous Hotels of the World”. The workshop accommodation will be first rate, allowing accompanying partners a chance to totally unwind and relax.
The workshop will cover the spectacular rice paddy fields, exotic Asian flowers, ancient temples, the canals of Bangkok with stilted houses, fingernail dancers, street images of monks in their saffron robes and time permitting the group may also have the chance to capture a festival.
June 09 Calendar of Andalucia Spain
Michelle has been working on the next edition of the Andalucia.com Calendar. This year the calendar will take the format of a handy desktop version. Some of the images will be shot over the summer and the rest selected from Michelle Chaplows vast collection of stock photography images. Look out for more news in the coming months.
Time flies we are half way through the year already!